Photography • quality • empathy

Friesian with a passion for interpersonal and artistic connections, living in Oldenburg. Composed of the best of a Swabian and an Ammerländer. Socialized between kale with “Pinkel“ sausage and hand-scraped “Spätzle“, between “Moin“ and “Ade“.

Without boundaries, there are no transitions

Until a few years ago, music played a significant role in my life. As a professional orchestral musician, I had the privilege of performing with outstanding musicians at many small and large venues such as the Cologne Philharmonic and the Zurich Opera House. Since my youth, I successfully participated in music competitions at home and abroad, which always pushed me further in my artistic and personal development.

After completing my music studies in Switzerland, I was part of the State Orchestra in Braunschweig. Unfortunately, due to an occupational illness, I had to give up my passion, which had become my profession.

Every person has their own complex and multifaceted story that gives them profile and personality. I appreciate moments when individuals reveal this; whether through openness in conversation, expression in music, or simply in the quiet gaze of their eyes.

Photography - Initially, something just for me

Even before the time when I consciously engaged with photography, (in my eyes) good pictures captivated me. Over a long period, my curiosity grew to find out what exactly makes such images. With the purchase of a simple digital SLR camera for a vacation, I now had at least the basic technical requirements to “reconstruct“ a desired image look.

During photo walks and trips where I was alone with my camera, I quickly realized that when looking through the camera, a level was addressed within me that I knew from music and in a way, was missing from me, namely being able to express myself in a way other than through language. It’s not exaggerated to say that this contained a certain therapeutic effect for me. It’s amazing what a different perspective and a certain distance can do when looking at things.

When it comes to the artistic aspect of my images, I don’t aim to please everyone. It’s more of a thing between my camera and me, but with enough room for development.

Nuances - The complexity behind the obvious

I particularly like moments that lie somewhere in between – somewhat like the images between shots. Focusing on what is otherwise a marginal note and can thus provoke even more thought. Or they are scenes that consciously do not show the person with something they are already or even mistakenly exclusively associated with due to their activity. I am also a photographer, what are you also?

The slightly hidden is more intriguing than the obvious. The quality of a good portrait does not increase proportionally with the degree of smiling into the camera.

Fiddling around

Especially in the dark season, you might find me enjoying music from the record player and cozy light at the living room table, where I tinker with amplifiers and speakers from past decades. From the time when pioneering designers like Dieter Rams designed products that still impress with their unobtrusive aesthetics to this day.

As a child, I wanted to become an electrician and had a lot of fun dismantling broken washing machines and other discarded appliances. I obviously found it fascinating what parts one finds in such a device and how one could possibly break them down into even smaller pieces. I rarely reassembled them. Perhaps it’s a good thing that this didn’t become my profession.

Those who plan too much overlook the beautiful chance

In many areas of life, things often turn out differently than originally thought. Priorities change and things evolve constantly, whether by choice or not. Each experience reveals new shades of gray. One could say this doesn’t always make it easier, but more honest – if one dares to look.

I’m pleased if the first impression of me and my work has sparked your interest, and perhaps we’ll get to know each other soon. Feel free to reach out to me with your own ideas, questions, or suggestions.



© 2024 | Henricus Photography
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